Agrotransformacion – Descubre


Learn how the agricultural industry is evolving

Agriculture and livestock activities are constantly changing and evolving, and there are more and more entrepreneurs who are opting for innovation and technology as solutions to transform it into a more sustainable, productive, and global industry. For this reason, together with Descubre, we sought to create a space for interaction between the agricultural business, government and academic sectors that would enable a process of reinforcing the value chains of Descubre products and its working methodology.

Agrotransformación always brings together more than 250 participants in order to demonstrate the collaborative and articulated work developed through the Descubre program, to position new Costa Rican agriculture projects in the agro-business industry, to showcase relevant technological trends for the industry, to exchange knowledge, and to bring entrepreneurs and producers closer to the institutions related to the industry.

Experts and leaders in the agriculture and livestock industry in Costa Rica and abroad share their knowledge with Costa Rican entrepreneurs with the aim of boosting the evolution of the industry towards a more sustainable, productive, and global activity.

We designed Descubre as an inter-institutional program that, through a public-private alliance coordinated by COMEX, MAG, PROCOMER and CNAA, seeks to revalue agriculture and fishing as sustainable activities towards an inclusive and dynamic economy. In addition to promoting the attraction of investment in rural and coastal areas of the country.

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International conferences
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Networking spaces
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Field visits
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Launch of new Descubre products




We take agriculture and fishing to the next level!

We designed Descubre as an inter-institutional program that, through a public-private alliance coordinated by COMEX, MAG, PROCOMER and CNAA, seeks to revalue agriculture and fishing as sustainable activities towards an inclusive and dynamic economy. In addition to promoting the attraction of investment in rural and coastal areas of the country.

    Sectores que representa:

    ¿Es empresa exportadora?:

    ¿Pertenece a una institución/empresa que brinda apoyo al sector productivo agroexportador?:

    ¿Es cliente de PROCOMER?:

    Días que va a participar del evento:

    CONSENTIMIENTO INFORMADO: Al completar el presente formulario, la empresa declara que la información suministrada es propia, actual, exacta y verdadera. Asimismo, la empresa acepta el acceso de PROCOMER a esta información y su uso como parte de las herramientas de promoción comercial, así como en cualquier otro medio que utilice la institución. Al aceptar esta cláusula y compartir con PROCOMER la información brindada, la empresa acepta que PROCOMER la utilice de acuerdo con lo establecido en la legislación costarricense vigente.